Hello bloggers.
So this weekend, as you have read in my recent blog, I went to Myrtle Beach. It was fantastic.
We left at around 4:30 on Friday. We didn't really stop anywhere, which was nice. The ride there went pretty smoothly. Morgan drove for a good while, so I was stuck in the back with my Uncle Darrell. He loves to abuse me. Haha. I grew up the nerve to pinch him under the arm in his soft spot after he called me out on something. I found it hilarious until he pinched me back. Now we both have bruises under our left arms. Lovely. We finally arrived at the condo at around 8. It was a pretty nifty place. There were four flights of stairs though, not too friendly. It was late already, so we decided to go to Broadway at the Beach to eat. I think the place was called T.R's? Not too sure though. Anyways, it was pleasant. It was raining when we walked there, but stopped by the time we left. We strolled around looking at a few stores. Morgan found a really cute white watch for $18 at a nice little shop. I wanted one, but decided to save my money. We came back to the condo then went for a walk on the beach. It was nice, people were setting off fireworks, which I'm pretty sure is illegal, but it's the beach so hey, why not. The next day we woke up at around 10 and went straight to the beach.

Morgan and I were determined to get a tan. The ocean was beautiful that day. Absolutely lovely. I got slammed by a couple of waves, but it's all good. The plan to tan was a success! Well sort of. She is way tanner than I am, but I'm a work in progress. Haha. That night we went to Barefoot Landings. It was a pretty cool scene. We didn't really do much. Morgan got a cool Henna Tattoo. I was going to get one, but changed my mind at last minute. I don't really know why. That night we ate at the California Pizza. It was delicious. I decided to make a bold move and try something new. I had a personal Smashed Potato Pizza. It was suprisingly yummy! I would definitely get it again. Sunday we left, but before completely leaving Myrtle Beach we had to make one more stop. The Piggly Wiggly!

I got a hot pink shirt that says "I dig the pig" on the back. I love it and actually am wearing it right now. All in all, this trip was wonderful. We arrived back at Morgan's house at around 5. We went to IHop and boppin' to eat. Yum-o. Then we had a VHS movie marathon. Nothing like doing it old school sometimes. We also made a collage. It looks pretty sweet if I do say so myself.
Now I am home, watching HUGE. Not so sure on how I feel about it yet, but I think I'll try and watch it for a bit. Summer is such a blast. (:

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