Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Dressmaker II
Last night I was scavenging through my closet when I stumbled across something very precious. A sewing maching that has been hidden from sight for probably three years! I remember that my sister got it for me one year for Christmas hoping that I would take sewing classes with her. Sadly, I did not. I regret that so much, but have made up in my mind that I will start a new adventure by learning how to sew! My goal is to make a skirt, dress, and scarf ( and be able to wear them all) by the end of the year. I know, I know, everyone says that sewing is easy, but you must know that I am a bit challenged at picking up on how to do things. Hopefully I can get some help from my fellow sewers at church and school. If you have any tips for me, please let me know as I embark on this new journey!
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
At long last, we meet.
Today was a great day. The weather was to die for and I didn't even mind band practice today! On top of it all, I went shopping at Marshalls. After a year long hunt for a button down jean skirt, we finally met. It was only 10 dollars! Ah, I love discount stores. To add to the excitement, I also found a cute flannel button up shirt! They just so happened to fit together in perfect harmony, so I will probably wear it to school & church tomorrow. The weather isn't supposed to get higher than 70, which is ideal for my little outfit.
I apologize for my monsterous hand!
With this shopping trip, I also found an adorable sweater. It is suuuuuper warm, which I love, and has a rhinestoned guitar on it. How rad? I feel like a rebel in this outfit. My hair teazed perfectly to play the complete role of a "rocker chick" and I loved it.
My fashion world is expanding quickly, and I think I might even be developing my own style; finally. Hope you enjoyed this blog you lovely followers!
-Always, Kelsey.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Last night I accomplished something that I've been working very hard at for like, 3 years, and that task is french braiding! I created the masterpeice on my cousin Morgan's hair for church that night. I didn't get any picutres of it because my camera is dead and we have no AA Batteries. Fail. The next goal I have... Fishtail!

Wish me luck bloggers!

Wish me luck bloggers!
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Can you feel the breezes of Fall beginning to stir?
Leaves are falling and so is the temperature, thank God.
Marching band makes you despise the hot weather of North Carolina.
I think I love Fall because it's warm enough to wear flip flops, but cold enough for hot cocoa.
Also I can wear corteroy ( sp? ) skirts such as the one pictured above.
I have had said skirt for about two years but am just now able to fit it.
Super exciting.
Oh and another plus of the weather change is Lattes.
Lattes are my absolute favorite things to drink during the chilly weather.
Well hope you all love Autumn as much as I do.
Friday night football games, the smell of bonfires, hay rides, roasting marshmellows, bundling up with buddies to keep warm, and Ugg boots; here I come!
Monday, September 20, 2010
Children Will Listen
That is the title of our Marching Band show this year. Colorguard has been such an experiance for me, through two weeks of intese training with Tracy, to going through two weeks of band camp, losing our instructors, losing 4 girls, gaining one, learning to trust my teammates, drama out each ear, and making memories that last a life time; stepping onto that field for Fall Preview made it seem like all of the above things had suddenly dissapeared. I love this sport so much and wouldn't trade any of my guard girls, or band friends for anything. Northwest Cabarrus High Marching Band 2010 !

You can't see the whole thing, but that is my uniform, it's oober cute.

Samantha just couldn't resist getting in the picture. "Proffessional creep, she is"

Bethany has yet to discover her true crazy face.

Katie after I tried to get a sneak attack picture of her. Drats, getting caught in the act is no fun!

You can't see the whole thing, but that is my uniform, it's oober cute.

Samantha just couldn't resist getting in the picture. "Proffessional creep, she is"

Bethany has yet to discover her true crazy face.
Katie after I tried to get a sneak attack picture of her. Drats, getting caught in the act is no fun!
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sometimes I just need someone to talk to

I thought this was a beautiful picture.
So anyways, fire ants are officially of the devil. Today while at band practice we were practicing in a feild filled with fire ant hills. Needless to say, I was molested by like 8 of them. I think my flag silk swept through a hill and the little punks fell all over me, just dying to feast on my blood. Ugh, they hurttttt. Today was a pretty swell day, minus the fact that I have homework in like 3 classes which I still have not started. Joy. On the plus side, my uniform for colorguard arrives on Friday just in time for preview and the football game! Wohoo! Good good & good.
Adios Amigos !
Monday, September 13, 2010
We're living in a mad world.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Take a little piece of my heart now baby.

2. I ordered my class ring online tonight, yaaayyyy ( :
3. Tomorrow - Saturday I have guard practice until 6.
4. Oh and also church practice and services from 6-9.
5. Saturday the youth is going to the zoo, I probably will not be able to attend unless I catch Bogan in a wonderful mood Friday when I ask to leave early that day and not come the next. Ehhh.
6. I hate it when people bring eachother down.
7. Also not so fond of when people rag on your personal style. Hint hint, today at church.
8. However, I do love when people give you little life lessons such as, "When people tell you that you look ridiculous, they are just jealous. Don't give in to what they are telling you, that's all they want. They just wish they could look as cute as you." Things like that just make my heart smile.
9. I extremely dislike this headache action I'm feelin over here.
10. Oh and I am eating Jello like a champ right now. Orange and Cherry flavored might I add.
Goodnight Bloggers,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Life list number one.
1. "goal" is just a word for people who are too afraid to dream. - i just created that.
2. morgan says that i need to liven up my blog
3. i took a picture with this handsome modelquin at Old Navy friday.
4. school is no fun right now. there's homework every night for every class, welcome to junior year.
5. i have an english paper due tomorrow. i'm nervous about it.
6. i just dropped a chunk of lollypop on my bed.
7. i wish guard didn't get in the way of me trying out for the school play. sorry rass.
8. i know you are probably thinking "jeez, she has no life" if you are reading this. but let me inform you that if you are taking time to read it, then you too my friend, have no life.
9. my youth rally is friday - saturday. come come comeeee (:
10. i'm singing.
11. i wish i had a boyfriend like mitchell davis. hmmm, yum.
12. i have been informed that this year's musical is Moby Dick. I offered to be the whale. -Really? Moby Dick? what on EARTH were you guys thinkin when you picked that? oh well, i'll still do it.
13. speaking of Moby Dick, I called a girl a whale today. well not out loud, in my mind. she like shoved me twice on the stairs, and that could lead to potentially falling down said stairs, which equals utter embarrassment on my part. not cool, whale, not cool.
14. i really love whales though. so technically that girl recieved a compliment from me.
15. ah who am i kidding, that was mean. i couldn't apologize though, that would be pointless. like explaining why the apology was necessary would probably not get me very far before getting punched in the face.
16. oh lanta, i'm rambling again.
17. oh well.
18. tomorrow i am wearing a weird little outfit with a giant headband. it's kind of embarrassingly awesome, if that makes sense. i'll probably be really naive about myself all day tomorrow because of it, but i am willing to do it anyways.
19. kenzie and kelsi always tell me to just rock it out and not care what other people say, they are so right. i am going to keep that in mind tomorrow. it's my own style, why should i let other people boss me around about it?
20. alright, i think twenty comments are sufficient for tonight. thanks for reading.
just kelsey.
2. morgan says that i need to liven up my blog
3. i took a picture with this handsome modelquin at Old Navy friday.
4. school is no fun right now. there's homework every night for every class, welcome to junior year.
5. i have an english paper due tomorrow. i'm nervous about it.
6. i just dropped a chunk of lollypop on my bed.
7. i wish guard didn't get in the way of me trying out for the school play. sorry rass.
8. i know you are probably thinking "jeez, she has no life" if you are reading this. but let me inform you that if you are taking time to read it, then you too my friend, have no life.
9. my youth rally is friday - saturday. come come comeeee (:
10. i'm singing.
11. i wish i had a boyfriend like mitchell davis. hmmm, yum.
12. i have been informed that this year's musical is Moby Dick. I offered to be the whale. -Really? Moby Dick? what on EARTH were you guys thinkin when you picked that? oh well, i'll still do it.
13. speaking of Moby Dick, I called a girl a whale today. well not out loud, in my mind. she like shoved me twice on the stairs, and that could lead to potentially falling down said stairs, which equals utter embarrassment on my part. not cool, whale, not cool.
14. i really love whales though. so technically that girl recieved a compliment from me.
15. ah who am i kidding, that was mean. i couldn't apologize though, that would be pointless. like explaining why the apology was necessary would probably not get me very far before getting punched in the face.
16. oh lanta, i'm rambling again.
17. oh well.
18. tomorrow i am wearing a weird little outfit with a giant headband. it's kind of embarrassingly awesome, if that makes sense. i'll probably be really naive about myself all day tomorrow because of it, but i am willing to do it anyways.
19. kenzie and kelsi always tell me to just rock it out and not care what other people say, they are so right. i am going to keep that in mind tomorrow. it's my own style, why should i let other people boss me around about it?
20. alright, i think twenty comments are sufficient for tonight. thanks for reading.
just kelsey.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Oh happy day
I am just in a lovely mood. I have been for the past two days. I mean, sure the world is turning grey in some aspects, but who am I to let that bring me down? I am from now on living my life happily. I went to Northlake Mall today and purchased a cutsie little brown skirt. It's kind of odd though, so I don't have a shirt to wear with it yet, hence no picture of it. I tried a pink sweater with it, but mom and I agreed I looked like a grandmaw. No bueno, no bueno. Also, I think I want a camoflauge hat. My brother-in-law had one today and it sorta inspired me. And my amazing sister agreed to splitting the money with my aunts and get me the $198 cowboy boots that I want for Christmas. I know I know, it's extremely expensive, but so worth it. I could wear them with so much. That's probably why I'm so excited for December, for the boots. I don't think I'm leaving North Carolina anytime soon, so I might as well embrace my inner southern charm. Church is tomorrow, I'm super excited. Tomorrow afternoon we are having a church family picnik. If the weather is anything close to what is was today then it shall be perfect. I think it's about time to trade in my flippy flops for my Ugg boots. I just love fall weather. It's my favorite season you know. I mean, there's band, you can wear super comfy boots, the leaves are all pretty, and it's not super hot and icky outside, yet not freezing. Adios summer, see you in 2011. I think I'm going to go to some thrift stores and Goodwill soon. I suppose I could find just as much there as I could at some expensive mall.
Until tomorrow you lovely followers,
Until tomorrow you lovely followers,

Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Seesters we are.
"Gosh we are too alike" -This is the famous quote repeated over and over again when I am with my two best friends, Kelsi Danae and Kenzie Faith Carson (: I love you guys to death, you have no idea. This idea sparked into my brain after receiving and reading you guys' wonderful birthday card to me. I almost cried because it made me so happy. I remember when we first met and was just reminiscing on how our friendship has grown. I just put together some pictures from over the years that I though you would enjoy looking at !

Apology for my dreadful looking hair, it had like 10 tons of hairspray. We were on the way back from our first Strong Tower togetherrr !
Took this for me on her cruise, oh I love you too Kels (:
Our "sad faces"- taken by the lovely Dinah on the way to a youth conference...we got lost on the way home, go figure. Haha ( Kenzie and Trey fidgeting in the backround with a camera )
Oh we were young'ns. Also on the way to Youth Conference, but you know we had to eat some Chick-fil-a before getting our prasie on!
Hahahaha, enough said. Oh and notice the little girl at the bottom of the picture, we all found this hilarious.
Oh my gosh it's Hannah Montana ! Side note : Kelsi later purchased this wig, and still has it to this day (:
Yeah, we thought we were beasting at the old school video game, it was actually on demo. FAIL.
I love you guys !
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